Die Corona-Lage in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka in Zeiten von Corona

Seit April 2022 ist die Sieben-Tage-Inzidenz in Sri Lanka laut „Check24“ nicht mehr über den Wert von 10 gestiegen. Momentan (18. Januar 2023) liegt sie laut „Corona in Zahlen“ bei 2. Insgesamt haben sich seit Ausbruch der Pandemie 671.968 Personen mit dem Virus infiziert, 16.824 sind daran gestorben. Von den knapp 22 Millionen Einwohnerinnen und Einwohnern des Inselstaates sind mehr als zwei Drittel vollständig gegen COVID-19 geimpft, etwa ein Drittel hat eine Auffrischungsimpfung erhalten (Stand: 18. Januar 2023). (Quelle: Travelbook)

Juli 2021

Der Impfprozess geht nur langsam voran mit Impfstoffen, die von China zur Verfügung gestellt werden und die Abhängigkeit weiter befördern. Erst 7.26% der Bevölkerung sind lt. John Hopkins University vollständig geimpft. In der armen Bevölkerung macht sich wieder Hunger breit. Wo wir davon im Rahmen unseres Projektes erfahren helfen wir mit finanziellen Mitteln, dass Nahrung eingekauft oder übermittelt werden kann.

Laut Regierung soll die gesamte Bevölkerung bis Ende März geimpft sein. “With this system in place, we hope that Sri Lanka will be able to complete the vaccination program within three months and be named as the first State to do so.” Der Impfstoff kommt aus Indien und China, was die Abhängigkeit Sri Lankas von diesen Ländern noch verstärkt!

30.01.2021 Eine am Donnerstag veröffentlichte Studie des Lowy Institute im australischen Sydney sieht die Bundes-republik auf Platz 55 von 98 Ländern. Das unabhängige Institut bewertete den Umgang der Länder mit der Pandemie anhand von sechs Kriterien – unter anderem der Zahl der Infektions- und Todesfälle sowie der Testhäufigkeit. Neben Neuseeland schafften es Vietnam, Taiwan, Thailand, Zypern, Ruanda, Island, Australien, Lettland und Sri Lanka in die Top Ten des Rankings. – (Stern)

Anfang 2020

12.3.2020 “All schools island-wide will be closed from tomorrow till 20 April 2020 as a precautionary measure against Coronavirus” (Lasith, English)

17.3. „People are a little bit in a panic mode because now there are around 43 patients tested positive for the virus in just a week, so everyone is definitely scared to go anywhere in public. We stay at home most of the time and avoid going anywhere other than at an emergency, because we’ve been asked to. The Sri Lankan Airport has been suspended for 2 weeks, many jobs were given a 3-day public holiday , there is limited public transport (most of the trains have been suspended), there is panic buying almost everywhere and so on.” (SandaliThisaka)

21.3. “Government put curfew this weekend. Anyway, the country is in lockdown. Climbing number of patients daily. Most people have no idea how to deal with communicable diseases. ALSA is doing fine. Girls are in the house, one mother staying at ALSA and taking care of them. I prohibited them to go home because it will ‚make them more vulnerable to the disease. We provided necessary dry food and things. They just have to stay in ALSA  and study. Their examination will not be delayed or postponed, so they have to keep working. I visit ALSA  frequently although its curfew, medical work considered as essential work so I can go anywhere I want. This is the biggest challenge doctors have to deal with. (Dr.Laksman, ALSA)

21.3. “Sri lanka is now wery big problem to corona three day is close ewri on  staine home.” (Lakma, Sea View)

23.3. “We are experiencing a bad time here. Police curfew has been imposed on us. There are 89 victims of Corona disease being treated at different hospitals. Luckily no patients have been reported in Matara.” (Krishanta, CentralCollege)

23.3. “We know by this point Coronavirus is spreading all  over the world. In  Sri Lanka also the number of Corona patients has risen to 86. The airport has been closed and all the Sri Lanka has lock down by this time. Because the situation in Sri Lanka is likely to get worse in the future. By this  point   he  developed countries  cannot  control   this situation. So, we are also afraid of how to control Sri Lanka. As itis  poor  country. Because this situation is very bad. May theTriple Gem bless you !!!” (Rev. Vipassi Karlsruhe Scholarship Programme)

31.3. “I can the buy same food  rice and spice now some time not  eat to food . Sooo thankyou.” (Lakma, Sea View)

10.4. “Here in our village we identified some families without food because of curfew . So i make a group and gave some food for them. All around country labours lost their job. big economy issues. (Lasith, English)

11.4. “Thanks for the relief of famine. I use it to buy some food packets tomorrow itself .Bless you. Normally food items pack Rs 1000 so we will help 20 families with your relief. I know that you and your association always help our country.” (Lasith, English)

18.5. “We all are fine under the corontine. Our country is not yet settled. But some government workers doing their jobs. It is really hard to face this situation. I feel life has stopped in the same place. Nothing can do. But we hope the country will settle end of this month.” (Erangi, Computer)

9.6. “Dear sir one help me please 20000 rupees to loan you coming sri lanka I am pay 20000 again. My home is very problem no eating food for medicine no money . Please” (Lakma, Sea View)

11.6. “People without money to buy food little bit better now. But helping process is being continued.” (Lasith, English)

11.6. “All the people here suffer a lot as they are experiencing a financial crisis. Even we don’t have our private tuition classes now. The students say that your financial support is a great asset and relief for them at this difficult time.” (Krishanta, CentralCollege)

4.8. “Students are back and now its functioning as usual. This corona situation little under control for now. Is there any way that ALSA students can make a vidio call to you? They will be motivated more if you talk. i tell every one who  donate to talk to students ,at least once a month. It helps both students and the people who donate to feel something about what we are doing.” (Dr.Laksman, ALSA)

7.8. “We are also fine. But the situation is the same as before. The schools are closed. Social distance has occurred . Patients are found in some places. We hope to start classes after the schools are opened.” (Erangi, Computer)

9.8. “I started sawing classes in Mirissa. Eight new women joined.” (Rupani, Sewing)

14.8.  “Hope you will be able to come to Sri Lanka in November. Only 230 covid 19 patients are in hospitals now. They all are returnees from abroad.“ (Krishanta, CentralCollege)

17.8. “I hope to start every class within this week. I think everything will be normalized soon. School will be started with safety regulations we can do same in class also. School starts different stages. So I  inform our students as their arrival.” (Lasith, English)